Reed has a love/hate relationship with water. One day he's splashing around in it and dumping it all over my house, the next he hates it so much he doesn't even want a bath.
We decided to wash the car and truck and thought for sure it'd be something Reed would love to do. He wanted nothing to do with it! So we washed and dried them while he watched and Justin started waxing the truck. This is when Reed decided he wanted to help and headed towards the truck with a wet towel! Justin about had a heart attack. Me, being put in these situations all the time, thought of the perfect solution!
I got Reed out his own car to wash!

Dada had to come show him how to get it done!

Spotted an airplane
Back to business!

Paige enjoyed watching and being her funny little self.

"You talkin' bout me?"

Bye bye!

We have not had any luck with our kiddie pools. First Reed fell on top of the plastic baby one we had and crushed it while moving in to kiss Paige. Then we got a bigger, nicer one that they could actually swim in and it sprung a leak two days later. We finally settled on something in between and I got Reed the hose to help me fill it up.
This was a day to love water!
I love this funny face he makes!

Such joy from the simple things