
Lindsey, Reed, Paige and Justin

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Today we took the kids to their first air show (and mine) at March Air Force Base. It was a beautiful day; warm and sunny without being too hot and a perfect breeze! Reed has always been obsessed with airplanes. He can hear or spot an airplane long before we can. Sometimes he runs through the house yelling "airplane, airplane" and I think he's crazy but then I listen and eventually I hear it too! When we take walks he can spot them when they are just a speck in the sky. So I was excited when I found out about the air show because I knew it was something he'd love. I just didn't know I'd love it so much too!

Sunblock and water, ready to go!

Seeing the first airplane go by

I knew Reed would watch but Paige was really into it too!

Paige LOVES to bug Reed in the stroller!

She got a little hungry....

Going up into a "big, big, big airplane!"

Going through the big plane...

...and coming out the other side

There was a kids play area

Reed wouldn't go in alone!

Daddy was happy to oblige

Tired of the stroller

Stole daddys drink!

A big tank

Me and my baby getting fried!

Me and my original babe!

Paige eyeing the stollen drink, wanting to make it her own!

Laughing at the evil plan in her head to get it!

Awww I think he'd share if she asked nicely!

The shade we found under a little planes wing

Me and my sweet pea!

Daddys little girl

Time to go home!

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