Today we took the kids to their first air show (and mine) at March Air Force Base. It was a beautiful day; warm and sunny without being too hot and a perfect breeze! Reed has always been obsessed with airplanes. He can hear or spot an airplane long before we can. Sometimes he runs through the house yelling "airplane, airplane" and I think he's crazy but then I listen and eventually I hear it too! When we take walks he can spot them when they are just a speck in the sky. So I was excited when I found out about the air show because I knew it was something he'd love. I just didn't know I'd love it so much too!
Sunblock and water, ready to go!
Seeing the first airplane go by
I knew Reed would watch but Paige was really into it too!
Paige LOVES to bug Reed in the stroller!
She got a little hungry....
Going up into a "big, big, big airplane!"
Going through the big plane...
...and coming out the other side
There was a kids play area
Reed wouldn't go in alone!
Daddy was happy to oblige
Tired of the stroller
Stole daddys drink!
A big tank
Me and my baby getting fried!
Me and my original babe!
Paige eyeing the stollen drink, wanting to make it her own!
Looks fun!