We took the kids to the Cherry Valley Festival tonight on a rare outing as a whole family of four! We've gone every year of their lives but this is the first year they could go on the rides and really enjoy it!
Reed said he wanted to go on the ferris wheel but when we got close to it he was pretty overwhelmed by how enormous it was!

Not so sure anymore!

They both just stared up at it! Paige kept saying "wheel!"

We decided to try some smaller rides first. Of course the helicopters were Reeds first choice! I was surprised and proud to see him walk right up there. The child that used to be afraid of everything is willing to try a lot now!

Waving to Mama!

Next Mama got to take them on a giant Strawberry ride that spins.
Both kids got to go on this one!

This is Paiges new version of Peek-a-boo....

Watching the rides

Explaining how the tickets work so he can give them to the man himself.

Paigey and Dada

Paige and Reed on the Nemo boat ride

They went around quite a few times before Paige got upset....

Then I saw this face coming my way...

Poor Paigey! They had to stop the ride to let her off. I hate to see my kids cry but it is nice to see my baby girl is still in there somewhere!

They started the ride back up so Reed got more time!

This was a Neverland ride

I just kept hearing Reeds laughter go round and round and round...

We never did talk Reed into the ferris wheel but we are so proud of our big boy and how much he did without fear or crying. Our timid little guy is growing up so fast! I know it won't be long before I'm wishing for the days he'd come crying to me to hold him!
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