We got to spend the past few days with my parents at their timeshare in Carlsbad. This has always been a special place for our family as we grew up camping there with our church. The timeshare isn't big enough to hold us all so we take turns staying. We got to spend one day with my sis and her kids and the kids had a blast playing with their cousins!
First day at the beach making sand castles with Dada

It was more like Justin made them, Reed destroyed. Here Justin is trying to hold Reed back!

Paigey walking to the water with Grandpa

Playing in the sand

Sweet moments!

Paige was interested in the warning flags!

Felicity getting buried in the sand

Paige was NOT into being buried!
Playing with their cousins and Dada
Paige kept staring at the ocean in awe!

Next day on the beach we used to camp at that's mostly rocks now

My man

This is how Paige eats peanut butter and jelly - quite messy!

Digging a hole

Reed somehow got sand all over his face! But what a cute face!

Paige was so tired she crashed!

Luckily we brought a wagon to bring her back in!

Watching a movie after a day at the beach

Reed didn't quite make it!

Me and Justin went to dinner at Benihana to celebrate our five year anniversary while my parents watched the kids.
Grandma and Grandpa took the kids to the train station right down the street to watch the trains.

Reed on the pirate ship playground

Paige climbed up by herself - of course!

Laying out on the dolphins

Reed didn't want to sit on it!

Thanks mom and dad for your generosity and for spending time with us and taking care of our kids. They love their Grandma and Grandpa!
So cute! Loved this! We camped their every year growing up too! Crazy! Paige is so pretty!