Even though we already decorated Halloween cookies with our friends, I HAD to continue our tradition of making sugar cookies and letting the kids decorate. This was the first year Paigey got to do it with me and Reed. Of course, she was more into the eating than the decorating....
I let them lick the batter but Reed didn't want to for some reason. Paige is never one to turn down sweet treats!

Pure delight!

Reed LOVES "sprinklers" so this is all he wanted to do! He helped me cut out the shapes, I did the frosting and then he topped them off!

I kept telling him to smile for the camera but he wouldn't look at me and smile at the same time!

He's laughing because he knows he's messing with me!

This is what I finally got!

Paige misunderstood the project and immediately grabbed a cookie to eat.
SO CUTE! You're a good mommy. We did slice and bake! LOL I love Reed's Volcom shirt! Too cute!