Right after I decided I wasn't going to upload as many pics to my blog, uploading them to FB made me feel I could conquer the blog world again! How can I NOT do my holiday pics? October is my favorite month and fall my favorite season. It's not really about Halloween as much as it is all the fun holiday activities.
Last week we decorated sugar cookies with some friends, some old and some new!
Paigey decorated exactly ONE cookie before she went to town eating the frosting off.

Reed got a couple done but then just wanted to eat them too! Of course!

Paige had a big glob of purple frosting on her cookie. It grossed me out a little bit but not my girl!
She took care of that glob in one minute flat!

Reed is all about the "sprinklers!"

Mmmmm sugar

As soon as Paige saw knives, she was over the cookie! She loves to sort, stack and organize everything! Even though she's as messy as can be, she did get a little ocd from her Mama!

Reed, Paisley and Liam all going for the sprinkles!

Jayden and Samuel loved the sprinkles too! They had their own plate.

Liam brought his cousin to share in the fun!

The perfect cookie!

Paige bored of her knives and went back to eating.

Sweet Paisley!

Brady got to hang out too even though he wasn't decorating!

We love our friends and getting to hang out and do fun holiday stuff!
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