
Lindsey, Reed, Paige and Justin

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Me?

This past week I've had a bad case of the "why me's?" It seems that when it rains, it pours. Everything breaks at once, big bills come at the same time, extra expenses suddenly appear and every little thing that can go wrong, does. First our 6 month old TV broke and can not be repaired and isn't covered under warranty. I'm still in shock that we spent almost $1000 on a TV that's just destroyed, gone and we have no money to replace it. Then Paige did a header out of the trailer on my watch resulting in the biggest "goose egg" and bruise I've ever seen. We spent the next 24 hours watching her for any sign of a concussion or worse! After 6 months of pain and a trip to Urgent Care, I find out I have to have surgery to have my gallbladder removed because of gallstones. The strain of a single income is finally catching up with us after Justin's overtime was cut. So of course, all the big bills started rolling in. Both of the kids caught colds leaving me with nothing better to do then sit around and dwell on these things and feel sorry for myself. And boy have I!

I know it happens to all of us but I still had to wonder, why me... Am I being punished? Were we too materialistic with our TV and needed a reality check of how blessed we really are? Do I take my kids health and livelihood for granted and needed a reminder that it can all be taken away in a second? Do I take my own health for granted and the fact that I'm even here? Why me? The question is, why not me? That's life. It happens to us all. Sometimes we need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and learn from it and grow. We can let it break our spirits or press on and remember that life on this earth is short. I let life get me down for a few days but then I had to just GET OVER IT and remember the bigger picture.

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall (Paige WILL stumble and fall); but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strong." Isaiah 40:29-30

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust (and children) destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew: 6:19-21


  1. Praying for you! Love that verse! So encouraging! Praying God will keep you pushing through!

  2. Lindsey, I have often felt the same way! Sometimes it seems like I am getting ripped off & deserve more. When I start to feel like that, I get into God's word. I quickly remember that I don't deserve anything, but am grately blessed by what God provides for us. He promises to provide for our needs...and that He does! I've learned to have a heart of thankfulness instead of want. In times of hardships, I am so glad to have a God to turn to who cares & loves me deeply. While I wait for things to get better financially, I am grateful to learn how to be content & patient.

    I pray this time passes fast for you & that you too can hold onto God's promises to take care of you!

  3. I thank the Lord everyday for my daughter-inlaw! Love you T.
