
Lindsey, Reed, Paige and Justin

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just Because....

I was working on Reed's scrapbook today and I noticed how much he had changed just in the past six months. He's lost his toddler chub and looks like such a big boy now! I was thinking how it'd been forever since I'd blogged and just as long since I'd taken any new pictures of the kids. His first year filled two entire scrapbooks, his second year only one. It seems like the older they get, the less pictures I take.

I know it's normal to not take as many pictures as I did when they were newborns but I got to thinking, why? Are they less cute then they used to be? Absolutely the opposite! They grow more beautiful every day! Are they less interesting then before? No way! They keep me entertained with the funny witty things that come out of their mouths! Do I have less time? Ummm, no, I'm a stay at home mom now. Then it hit me...LAZY! I'm so "busy" doing the every day duties of being wife and mom that sometimes I let the moments slip by me. I know they will be gone before I knew it so I need to remember to take advantage of every moment and not only enjoy them, but capture them on film so that I don't look back at this time with regret. I will have photos of these times forever I can hold in my hands and treasure in my heart but my babies will not be babies forever.

So while I watched the kids play outside today I decided to take some new picture, just because! Kids just being kids and bringing me pure joy just being in their presence. The day was beautiful, the fall light was amazing and my kids are, as always, GORGEOUS!

Riding their cars

My sweet boy, so grown up!

I can't believe she's old enough to ride these things!

Sweet little face

Waves "hi" and "bye" now

This is her version of peek a boo!

I love the fall light!

A random kiss I barely caught in time!

My little model

Reed concentrates so hard when playing with his boats, cars, trucks, etc. My new trick to take pictures of him is zooming in from across the yard so he doesn't know I'm doing it. Pretty smart huh?

I LOVE that they actually play together now! They are going to be best friends forever!

Hanging together

I love this face

His big brown eyes and long eyelashes melt my heart!

Paige has beautiful hazel eyes and long eyelashes that curl up. SO girly!

Peek a boo Reed

He loves his "house!"


  1. such cute pics! and such cute 'just because' pics! :)

  2. Love this post!! And the pictures of course!! :)
