
Lindsey, Reed, Paige and Justin

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Top Ten fun facts about Paige

1. Paige LOVES her family!

Look at the way she looks at Reed!

He thinks she's pretty special too!

Loves her Dada

They already have so much fun together
Her favorite person in the world!
(What? I'm totally objective!)

2. Paige loves to swing and could all day if I let her!

3. She doesn't have a "bad" side.
She's beautiful from every angle!

4. Eating is totally her favorite thing to do.

...even if it doesn't belong in her mouth...

5. She's a thumb sucker `

And sometimes her toes!

6. She'll sleep anywhere

7. She'd rather play with her brothers toys
then girl toys any day!

Light saber...

...and trucks are her favorites!

8. She loves being outside

9. She loves books already

10. She absolutely loves those headbands
I always put on her. She BEGS me to put
them on! :)

What? She LOVES them!

We adore our sweet "P" and her beautiful spirit! She is always happy, always smiling and brings joy to our lives every day. She has a playful, fun side and that's why we love our Paigey PAIGE!

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